Upcoming Blogs

How do you demand 'Excellence' from your team?

How to handle priorities and juggle 100 balls in the air without dropping them?

Agile - How do you scale in distributed environment?

How to make yourself redundent?

How to embrace feedback?


Entries in Frugal Innovation (2)


Design Led Thinking - Why Emerging Markets? (Part 2 of 2)

Hello again! Part 1 of 'Design Led Thinking' addressed the 'Why Now?' which cited examples and reasons of why well designed products / websites are becoming key differentiator and brought out reasons as to why design led thinking is the main stream now. This blog is focused around 'Why Emerging Market?' for design led thinking and why developing economies are and will play vital role in shaping and changing everything that we know about design.

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Design Led Thinking - Why Now? (Part 1 of 2)

I was fortunate to have been invited to the 4th annual Human Computer Interaction 2012 (HCI) conference as a chief guest, which was held in Pune in April 2012. After pondering over different topics, I decided to talk about something that I feel very passionate about which is 'Design Led Thinking - Why Now? Why in Emerging Markets?'. This blog is a synopsis of my talk at HCI and represent my thought on this topic.

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